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all things data

From data wrangling to data analysis and data visualization, you'll find all the insider info to help you kill it in the world of data analytics.

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tips + tools

Need to learn all the tricks to take your analysis game to the next level? Check out these tips and tools that will get you there.

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working remotely

The remote life is awesome, but there are lots of things you'll need to learn  - either the easy way or the hard way.  Choose easy and check these out.

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If you know me, you know I don't support being a workaholic.  There's too much more to see and do out there.  Here's a look at life outside of work for me.  

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hello there.

I’m kim,
YOUR new digital business BFF

I don't just train data analysts.  I build Rockstars.
I don't just teach skills.  I help change lives. 

Over my 25+ years in the data analytics industry, I've climbed the corporate ladder through lots of long hours and hard work.  Through it all, I learned the skills and tools that are critical to your success, and the others that don't matter at all.

It's now my mission in life to teach those critical skills to others, so that I can help as many people as possible see their dreams of a better life come true.  I'm proud to say I've helped hundreds of people already.  Now, it's your turn.  Easy peasy.

expert digital ceo, business owner, financial data analyst, + ace in your back pocket

are you ready?


Grab your copy of this ten-page guide that walks you through the blueprint for a great data analysis and includes some must-have tips along the way.

The Data Analysis Blueprint


ready to level up?

stop the thinking + start the doing.

On the fence and need some questions answered before you get off of it?  No worries.  It's uncomfortable up there on the fence, so let's talk about it!  Hit the button below and let us answer all those burning questions!



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