data analytics

No degree or prior experience required. I teach the complex world of data analytics in a simple, easy peasy way. If you're ready to learn, I'm ready to show you exactly how it's done.

for beginners

enroll now

I get it.  It feels like there's never enough time or there's never enough money (or both) for you to put your dreams of a better career on the front burner of your life.  There's always someone or something to take care of and you find yourself putting your dreams on the back burner.  The very back burner...way back there.

Here's the thing though - by committing to getting the training you need now in order to grab that career as a data analyst that you've been dreaming about, you are actually putting yourself in a much better position to take care of everyone and everything in your life!  You'll be working in a job you love, making more money than you can believe, and creating a future that you never even dreamed was possible.  It's time.

stop wishing + dreaming about it.

It's time you finally get the training you've always wanted.

“Honestly, this program gave me what I thought I'd never have.  AN ACTUAL CAREER instead of just a job.”

- jason

Here's What You Need:

A program that's designed for you.

You don't need to come into the program with any experience whatsoever.  You just need a computer, an internet connection and a willingness to learn.

A fast-track to your new career.

The program is self-paced, so you can move through it as quickly as you need to or take as much time as you like.  It can be completed in under 60 days.

A proven system that has changed lives.

My students are the evidence of this.  They have so many stories to tell about how this training has changed the trajectory of their lives and futures.


This is simply the BEST data analytics intro course on the market and it's the ONLY one taught by someone who's actually been a data analyst for 25+ years.

rockstar DATA analytics

for beginners

teach me plz

Module One

We will kick this program off by preparing you for everything you're about to learn!  Here you'll do some important groundwork that will set you up for success throughout the rest of the program.

Course breakdown:

Here's a look at some highlights from Module One:

  • Get an INTRODUCTION TO OUR TEAM and YOUR ROCKSTAR STUDENT PORTAL for accessing all your course materials.

  • Walk through the PROGRAM LAYOUT and get your WORKSPACE SETUP and ready to roll.

  • Learn how to ASSESS YOUR COMPUTER and get it ready for all the fun we're about to have!

  • Install the NECESSARY SOFTWARE and do some BASIC TRAINING on it.

teach me plz

Module  Two

Whenever you plan to build anything...whether it's a bench, a house or anything have to have the right tools for the job.  The same rule applies to data analysis.  You must have the right toolset.  So, get ready to pack your toolbox!

Here's a look at some highlights from Module Two:

  • Get a great INTRODUCTION TO THE WORLD OF DATA ANALYTICS.  Man, oh man, is it interesting!

  • Develop and refine your CRITICAL + ANALYTICAL THINKING SKILLS that will keep you on point as you start working with data.

  • Pack your ROCKSTAR TOOLBOX and learn about each tool as you set yourself up for ROCKSTAR Success!

teach me plz

Module Three

The last thing you need is to spend another year in a dead end job.  Until you get the training you need (and quickly), you won't ever be able to start growing your paycheck and living a better life.  That's why I've included my entire Step-by-Step Data Analysis Blueprint and you'll learn exactly how to execute each step of the analytics process.  You'll begin work on your Capstone Project during this module!

teach me plz

Module Four

Taking the time to setup and organize your data pull is critical. In this section, I'll pull back the curtain and show you my 5 Foundational Practices that will save you lots of time and headaches down the road! We will also cover a ton of other techniques that will put you miles ahead of many analysts that have been in the workforce for years!

Here's a look at some highlights from Module Four:

  • Master MY 5 FOUNDATIONAL PRACTICES that will ensure a complete, concise and accurate data pull.

  • CORE QUERY WRITING TECHNIQUES so that you can begin work on your Capstone Project that you will complete throughout the program.

  • INSIDER TRICKS FOR CLEANING YOUR DATA so that you are working with a bulletproof dataset.

  • COMPLETE VALIDATION TESTING PROCEDURES for your data return before moving on to the analysis step.

  • WORKING WITH MULTIPLE DATASETS to pull one larger result - you will need this skill alot!

Here's a look at some highlights from Module Three:

  • Learn how to GET COMPLETE CLARITY on exactly what your stakeholder needs from you - the first time!

  • Understand the ONE ANCHORING DATA POINT that can send you back to square one if you get it wrong.

  • BUILD YOUR ANALYSIS BLUEPRINT and plan your entire report from start to finish.

  • Learn how to EFFECTIVELY MANAGE STAKEHOLDER EXPECTATIONS as you move through the report journey and juggle their work among other projects on your list!

teach me plz

Module five

Get inside my brain! I'm giving you the benefit of my 25+ years as a data analyst and showing you how I approach all areas of analytics.  You'll get to quickly learn all the strategies that I spent years learning. In this module I'll reveal the Invisible Elements Beneath the Surface that will make you a highly sought-after analyst, too!

Here's a look at some highlights from Module Five:

  • MY UNIQUE APPROACH TO DATA DIVING including, what I look for, what questions to ask, and how to know you're on the right path before you even write the next query.

  • HOW VITAL THE SKILL OF EFFECTIVE QUESTIONING is to get to the root of your stakeholder's needs.

  • THE REAL TRUTH ABOUT DATAMINING and how to accurately define criteria that will assist your stakeholders with Data Driven Decision Making.

  • PROJECT MANAGEMENT SECRETS to learn how to "keep all the balls in the air" without ever thinking "How will I get all of this done?"

  • TOP DOWN METHODOLOGY that will have you walking easily through the journey and analyzing data like a pro.

  • EVALUATE DATA VARIATIONS to uncover root causes.  Put your investigator hat on!

teach me plz

Module six

If you want to be a Rockstar Data Analyst, it is not enough to just put a great spreadsheet report together, email it out and call it a day.  NO. WAY.  Rockstars go the extra mile and tell a story through data visualization techniques.  Amazing data visualization skills will be one of the major things that separates you from the competition and positions you as the ROCKSTAR that you are!

Here's a look at some highlights from Module Six:

  • DASHBOARDING to display multiple data metrics together on a page for quick review.

  • BENCHMARKING and how to use it effectively to compare and contrast your information.

  • Develop skills that will have you known as the DATA VISUALIZATION MASTER as you learn the tips and tricks for creating charts and graphs that will be the envy of everyone around you.

  • MASTER STORYTELLING by using your new data visualization techniques to take your report audience on your data journey that led to the final results of your analysis.  BOOM! MIC DROP! ROCKSTAR STATUS!

teach me plz

Module SEVEN

It's time to introduce your Rockstar Skills to the world! You'll learn how to package your skills and present yourself in a way that will have employers begging to hire you!  I'll share my insider knowlede with you and tell you what employers are REALLY looking for, along with the three things to NEVER do in an interview! :)  You'll also learn exactly how to find the best, highest salaried jobs that will allow you to work when and from wherever you want to!

Here's a look at some highlights from Module Seven:

  • BUILDING YOUR "KNOCK THEIR SOCKS OFF" PORTFOLIO that will show off your amazing new Rockstar Skills.

  • LEARN THE INTERVIEW SECRETS from an insider's point of view that will move you to the top of the applicant list.

  • UNCOVER WHERE TO GO TO FIND THE BEST JOBS that will give you the best salary, most benefits and allow you the freedom to still have a life!

  • HOW TO IMPRESS YOUR NEW EMPLOYER FROM DAY 1 and build the confidence to tackle anything thrown your way!

You'll receive immediate access to the program the moment you push the enrollment button.  You can start the program right away or wait until some point in the future that's better for you.


You'll have lifetime access to the program, so you can move through it at the pace that works for you.  You can choose to complete it in 60 days or take as long as you like.

lifetime access

Kim is passionate about her students receiving the support they need and when they need it.  Many of our students have full-time jobs, so we are happy to provide email Q&A support 7 days a week.


How it works

"This course simply changed my life. I still can't believe my paychecks when I get them!"

next review

"After retiring from teaching, this program gave me a whole new career and I'm loving it!"

next review

"I was able to get the job in our IT Department that I've had my eye on for months."

next review

"I'm blowing my coworkers minds with what I know...all thanks to this course!"

next review

"I now have work I love and I'm doing it from where I love - home.  Forever grateful to you Kim."

next review

"My boss couldn't believe all I learned in this course.  Now, I'm leading our Strategy Department!"

next review

"This course was the missing link for me.  Everything in both my work and home life has changed for the good."

next review

Six months from now you'll wish you had started today....

so let's get  you started!

Bonus #1

Never waste a minute sweating about how to design a dashboard.

These templates will give you room to add your own touches as you move the dashboard elements around, change colors, fonts, graphic elements, and more.  You're in control.  Let your Rockstar skills shine!


When you enroll today, you'll also get these four amazing bonuses!


Bonus #2

Show off your new data visualization skills inside these gorgeous templates.

Whether you're preparing a slide deck for visual presentation, or publishing it for a physical report, it's going to be quick + easy with this beautiful pack of templates ready for you to use. Get ready to impress!

oh yeah, i'm in!

Bonus #3

Look like you just whipped up a 7 course spreadsheet in minutes.

This template pack will save you tons of time with built in formatting and calculations ready for your data.  They can be tailored to any business and industry.  You'll find yourself using them again and again!

I'm ready!

Bonus #4

Your free ticket to take our Healthcare Analytics program for a ride.

You're getting free access to Module 01 of our Rockstar Healthcare Analytics program!  You'll be able to login and explore all the goodness, so that you can get an introduction to the ever-changing and always interesting world of healthcare data analytics!

Let's start now!

At that price, it's already a no-brainer because you would spend tens of thousands of dollars and several years of your life trying to get these skills in college. would still come out of college WITHOUT the critical skills that you actually need to be a high-performing Data Analyst.

And, to try to help as many people as possible... we have a payment plan!

All that for just...$1,997

“If you're On the fence, let me just say this is the absolute best  decision you can make.”

- shannon

No degree? No problem.  Over my 25+ years in the data analytics industry, I've hired and trained many people who've gone on to be Rockstar data analysts.

Now, I offer that same training online so that I can help even more people get the training they need to grab a position in this very lucrative industry.  And...I can do it in under 60 days.

more about me

I don't just train data analysts.  I build Rockstars.
I don't just teach new skills.  I help change lives.

yes, seriously!

I don't take your trust in me lightly.  I want you to hear me when I say "I'm here for you."  If you're ready to learn data analytics, I'm ready to teach you everything you need to know.

You're ready.  Even if you don't think you are.  You're only nervous because you want to be sure this is real.  It is.  You want to be sure it works.  It does. 
I absolutely guarantee it.

you're in the right place.

I know this stuff like the back of my hand.  I teach what you need to know + in the way you need to hear it.

easy peasy.

i can help because i've been there

now I 'm passionate about changing lives

by the end of this program, you will have...


A Rockstar Healthcare Data Analyst Skill Set that will help position you as a leader in the industry.


A complete understanding of provider profiling and development of meaningful reviews.


An in-depth knowledge base of diagnosis and procedural coding as it pertains to driving analytics.


A comprehensive method for analyzing costs of care and payor reimbursement to uncover opportunities.

sound good?


A full suite of quality indicator methodologies to uncover root causes of all outlier performance.


Your own personal think tank with strategic analyses ready to implement in your organization to drive cost containment & quality care.

“I was nervous about investing in the program.  I shouldn't have been.  It was WORTH EVERY PENNY. ”

- ashley

“The support from this team is top-notch.  I felt EXTREMELY COMFORTABLE reaching out with questions anytime! ”

- thomas

“The course layout is SO WELL THOUGHT-OUT.  Because of this, I was able to move through it easily and absorb it all so well! ”

- tamara

“I did all the research before joining this program and I'M BEYOND HAPPY that I chose Kim as my mentor. ”

- Randy

“This is SUCH A GREAT COURSE! I had no idea that I would learn so much.  I'm ready now, so watch out world! ”

- jenifer

This program is the only one of its kind because...

it is taught by an expert data analyst.

When you want to learn how to do something new, you go to an expert in that area.  Rockstar Data Analytics is taught by me personally and I've been in the Data Analyst role for 25+ years.  Over my career, I've done it all.  Along the way I've been promoted many times and have hired, trained and managed teams of high-performing analysts.  I am definitely an expert in the field.

I know what it takes to stand out in this role and how to have employers think of you as "the one to go to" for superior analytical reporting.  In my program, I teach it all - from the ground up.  You'll finish the program with a confidence that you can tackle any project given to you.

it was designed by a data analyst that has actually been in the field for 25+ years

There are other online programs that teach various technical skills, but none that teach everything I do.  And none that are taught by someone who has actually worked as a Data Analyst for many years.

Without the real world experience in the role, it is difficult for other trainers to really prepare students for real life experiences in the analyst position.  In my program, I teach all the technical skills needed to expertly analyze any dataset and turn it into a gorgeous report using data visualization techniques....along with how to actually handle all that comes with the position such as priority setting, stakeholder management, confidentiality procedures, benchmarking methodologies, and so much more.

Study at your own pace

hands on work using real datasets

completion of capstone project

build a gorgeous portfolio

This program includes everything you need to be a rockstar data analyst.

Learning a skill set that will put you in charge of your life.

Building the future for you + your family that you've been dreaming of.

Doing only work that lights you up and saying no to all the rest. 

Feeling more confident in your skills and proud of the contributions you make.

Finding more freedom as you are able to work remotely from anywhere you like.

Feeling more balance between your professional life and private life, and in alignment with the goals you have set.

If you want this to be the year that you *finally* commit to:


Try my Rockstar Data Analytics for Beginners program for 30 days.
Get your money back if it didn’t serve you.

I don't want you stressing over this decision.  Your satisfaction is extremely important to me.  If you decide this program isn't right for you, just email us at within 30 days of your purchase and we will refund 100% of your entire payment.

money back guarantee


This      for you if:

You want an amazing new career

You aren't interested in data

YOu are a lover of data


you want job security forever

It's probably        for you if...

YOU'RE not motivated to learn



With our Rockstar Data Analytics Program,


+ analyze data like the pros

+ have data visualization skills people envy

+ have your pick of employers to work for

+ be the one people go to for results

want something like that?

let's get started →

Let's do this thing.


Is there a commitment when signing up?

Absolutely not!  Your membership fee is billed on a monthly basis and you're free to cancel at anytime.


Is there a schedule that I need to stick to?

No, you're the boss here.  Each week there are new resources and trainings delivered to your portal and you can implement them as you find the time.  The only schedule to stick to is the one you set for yourself! 

What level of support is given to members?

Kim is way past passionate about supporting her membership family.  Each week there is a live Q+A call that all members can join.  Questions are submitted 24 hours ahead of the call and all questions will be answered.  No worries if you aren't able to attend the live calls, they are all recorded and available in your portal!  In addition, Kim and her team are available via email for questions and support anytime.



$500 Billion. The current estimated value of the digital products market.


The % of students who believe online learning is better than traditional learning.


The % of all people starting new digital side hustles that are female. 

6.5 Million.  The number of new digital side hustlers each year in the U.S.
