How I Built a Six-Figure Digital Side Hustle with a Full-Time Job and Busy Life

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Kim Green

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Welcome to our blog!  I'm a digital business mentor based in East Texas.  I'm passionate about helping others build thriving digital businesses, so you'll find loads of info here on that and a little about me.  Come join me on the journey!

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Let’s be real—juggling life as a woman with a full-time job feels like running a never-ending marathon. Between work, family, and responsibilities, adding “build a six-figure digital business” to the mix sounds downright impossible, right?

That’s exactly how I felt when I first started my digital side hustle by building my first digital course. I was overwhelmed, exhausted, and honestly, I didn’t think I had the time or energy to make it work. But here I am—years later—with a thriving business, more freedom in my schedule, and more time to make memories with my family.

I want to share my story with you—not because I’ve “made it”—but because I want you to see that I understand what it feels like to be exactly where you are right now. I know the struggles in building a digital business, and I know the doubts. But I also know how rewarding it is on the other side. And, I know it’s all worth it!

The Moment I Knew I Had to Do Something Different

For years, I had this feeling in my gut—this voice that kept saying, “There’s more out there for you.” But like most women, I kept pushing that voice down because, well, I had a family to take care of and bills to pay. I didn’t have the luxury of dropping everything to follow my dreams.

But then it hit me one day. If I stayed on the track I was on…I would stay on the track I was on. I wanted to do more in my life. I wanted more FOR my life and my family.

I was giving all my energy to a job that drained me, and I knew something had to change. That’s when I started thinking about building something on my own—a business that would allow me to create the life I truly wanted. Not just any business. I wanted a digital business. One that I could run from anywhere!

The Struggle to Find Time

Here’s the part no one tells you: trying to build a digital business (or any kind of business) while working full-time AND keeping all the other responsibility balls in the air feels like a circus act. I constantly felt like I was being pulled in a hundred different directions, and the idea of managing my time seemed laughable.

I tried everything—color-coded calendars, late-night work sessions, you name it. But it wasn’t until I created a simple system that worked for me that I started to see progress. I didn’t need a perfectly balanced life; I just needed to be intentional with the time I had so that I could get my digital course out into the world.

Here’s what worked for me:

1️⃣ Set Non-Negotiable Work Times: I knew I needed specific hours that were strictly for my business, so I carved out early mornings before work, late evenings after dinner, and Sunday afternoons. These became my non-negotiable times for hustling on my side-hustle.

Get out your planner or head to your digital calendar and get busy scheduling out your “I’m busy building the future” times! There’s a saying that you may have heard…”if it’s not on the calendar, it’s not happening.” Truer words, man. Write it down and stick to it! Your calendar will be your friend, I promise.

2️⃣ Automate What You Can: One of the biggest time-savers for me was learning to automate things like emails, social media posts, and even parts of my course creation process. You don’t need to do everything manually—automation is your friend! There are so many systems and apps that can help with this. A few of my favorite automation tools are Later, ConvertKit, and There are many others, so just take a look at what you need to automate and find the perfect solution.

If you haven’t put any automations in place yet, my suggestion is to start with automating your email system. Automating the customer journey flow is where it’s at! (If you have trouble trying to make any two apps talk to each other as you start automating, check out Zapier. It’s a lifesaver to tie together any apps that don’t do it for you and its super easy to use!)

3️⃣ Let Go of Perfection: I had to let go of the idea that everything needed to be perfect. Done is better than perfect. If I waited until I had the “perfect” product or the “perfect” system, I would’ve never launched my business. I’m a perfectionist at heart, so this one was soooo difficult for me.

I learned (the hard way) that you can spend far too much time on things that nobody will even care about. So, take it from me and save yourself the headache. Nobody cares if you got “just the right shade of blue” on your graphics or used “the perfect” template to design your new lead magnet. Let. It. Go. :)

The Turning Point: Consistency Pays Off

It wasn’t easy. There were times I wanted to quit. There were days when I didn’t get enough sleep, and I doubted whether all the hard work was worth it. But one thing I stayed committed to was consistency. Even when I didn’t see immediate results, I kept showing up for myself and my business.

Little by little, I started to see progress. A few customers turned into loyal clients. Late-night work sessions turned into automated sales. And eventually, my side hustle grew into a six-figure business that gave me the security blanket I craved.

And, along the way, I found what I didn’t even know I was looking for in the beginning…the joy that comes from helping others build a better life for themselves, too! (This turned out to be the best part of it all!)

My Advice to You: Keep Going

If you’re reading this and wondering how you could possibly fit one more thing into your life, let me tell you this: You don’t need to have it all figured out today. Start small. Be consistent. And most importantly, give yourself grace.

Building a digital side hustle isn’t about doing everything perfectly. It’s about showing up, even on the tough days, and remembering why you’re doing this in the first place.

You deserve to build a business that allows you to create more time for the things (and people) that matter most to you. And if I could do it, I know you can too.

Ready to Start Your Own Journey?

If you’re ready to take the leap and start building your own digital business, I’ve got something special for you! My free Digital Course Creation Starter Kit will walk you through the steps you need to get started—from choosing your perfect niche to creating a course that sells. People tell me it feels like I’m virtually holding their hands and helping them get their business rolling! I love that!

Plus, I’m hosting a free workshop soon where I’ll share even more strategies to help you create a six-figure digital side hustle that works with your busy life, not against it. You’ll find the link to register below. Be sure to save your seat now because space will be limited in this free workshop. Hope to see you there!

Download the Digital Course Creation Starter Kit Here
Sign Up for the “Building Your Six-Figure Digital Side Hustle Workshop Here

Save your seat today for our free workshop “Building Your Six-Figure Digital Side Hustle” and learn how to get started building your digital side hustle now!

Let’s do this together!

Download our free Digital Course Creation Starter Kit – It will make planning your course a breeze!

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Get an inside look at how you can unlock presence in your life by starting your digital side hustle now.

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