How To Be a Data Analyst

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Kim Green

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So, maybe you’ve heard how the market for Data Analysts is skyrocketing and maybe you’ve also heard that Data Analysts are in such high demand that the salary offers are even higher than before (and “before” was already way awesome!). If you’ve heard these two things, then chances are you’ve also heard there are tens of thousands of remote positions advertised right now for Data Analysts. Lots of companies are even making it mandatory for analysts to work from home. (Who doesn’t want to work from home!)

Having heard these things, you’ve probably started to wonder how you could tap into the Data Analytics industry and grab one of these very lucrative positions for yourself. If that’s you, then read on. I’m about to tell you about the only three things you need to start your career as a Data Analyst.

The Only Three Things You Need

1) Motivation

The number one thing needed to do anything is the motivation to do it. Right? Without that, you won’t be working on your goal too long. So, ask yourself this question – What is your real motivation for becoming a Data Analyst?

Your motivation may be one of these…

  • Are you ready for a new career?
  • Are you bored with what you’re doing now?
  • Are you looking for something that will allow you to feel fulfilled by your work?
  • Do you need a position that’s very secure and has a huge growth potential?
  • Do you need to increase your salary in order to give your family a better life?
  • Do you need or want a position that will allow you to work from home?

Maybe you said “Yes!” to one or more of those. Maybe your motivation is something totally different. Whatever it is, just get clear on it and remember it as you move through your journey. It will get you to your goal!

2) Hard Work

The second thing you need is to be ready to work hard! Becoming a Data Analyst is fun and exciting, but it’s also hard work. You need to be ready to tackle the new information you’re learning and stick with it until you get to the other side. You can absolutely learn everything needed to be a great Data Analyst! You just need to be committed to doing the work. I promise you it will pay off big time!

Here are a few things you can do to get yourself ready to learn:

  • Create a great workspace for yourself. Make comfy and a place you enjoy being.
  • Get a planner that you love and get ready to carve out some time for learning.
  • Think about adding a vision board to your workspace with pictures reminding you what you are working toward.
  • Tell everyone in your life what you are about to tackle, so they can support you and give you space to learn.

Planning and preparing for your learning will set yourself up for an amazing experience and will move you more quickly toward your goal!

3) The Right Skills

So, now that you’re motivated and committed to learning, you might be wondering “What exactly do I need to learn?” Hear me when I say this…THE RIGHT SKILLS. First let’s talk about what you don’t need.

You DON’T need:

  • To spend 4-8 years in college getting a degree.
  • To know how to use every ‘catchy named’ system out there.
  • To spend $100,000 on your education.

Now, let’s talk about what you DO need. You need to know how to:

  • Intake a data analysis request.
  • Manage your stakeholders.
  • Use two key applications to manage your data.
  • Do a proper data pull.
  • Analyze data.
  • Datamine data variances.
  • Tell a story with your data through data visualization.

That’s it! If you know these key components, you’ll be able to tackle any data analysis!

You can spend lots of years and tons of money learning things you don’t need, or you can fast-track your career path and learn these key areas above in under 60 days. If you want to get on the fast-track to your amazing new career, take a look at my free, on-demand training – The Making of a Data Analyst. You can start today and be ready to hit the job market in under 60 days!

Let me know if I can help,

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